欢迎关注摩根士丹利官方公众号(“摩根士丹利 Morgan Stanley” 或 “摩根士丹利基金”),了解更多社会招聘信息。
- 招聘职位
- 所在部门
- 工作地点
- 操作
- 基金经理助理/可转债研究员
- 固定收益投资部
- 深圳
【Job Responsibilities】
1. Market Research and Analysis (Bond and convertible bond market research)
2. Investment Decision Support
3. Other Work
【Job Requirements】
1. More than 2 years of bond market, convertible bond market, stock market, industry, etc. (not limited to) research, trading, investment or other related experiences.
2. Excellent educational background, Master's degree or above from a top overseas institution (finance, economics, etc.), overseas related work experience is preferred.
3. Strong language and communication skills in both English and Chinese.
4. CFA/ACCA/CPA is preferred.